The BullsEye Belief System

10 Steps to Building Successful Relationships & Making Yourself Valuable

I. Learn the 10 Steps of the BullsEye Belief System by listening to this podcast by Stephen Meade
Introducing BullsEye Belief System
Stephen Meade, a.k.a. The BullsEye Guy, shares a brief overview of his signature 10-step program called, The BullsEye Belief System. He explains how to be targeted, isolated, and focused. Learn these simple processes to identify exactly what you need to be successful.
II. Narrated Powerpoint and Top 10 Steps of the BullsEye Belief System
- Design Your Destiny
- Think “WIFU/WIFM” – What’s In It For You -> Then -> What’s In It For Me?
- Tornado Technique
- Defer, Deflect & Disclose
- Build Referral Currency
- Learn to Call a Referral
- Learn to Make an Introduction
- Take Meetings Early and Often
- Ask Great Questions
- Become a Good Negotiator
III. The BullsEye Guy Logo

What you DO is not important, what you NEED is. Step three of the ten step Bullseye Belief System is about how be targeted, specific and focused.
Too often in networking, people explain what they “do”, and not what they “need”. See the example herein. Think of this about being more specific to hitting the bullseye.
- What is the emotional value of what you do? What value do you provide? What do customers love most about what you do. The goal is to get them to say “cool”.
- What are the top three industries you are in?
- What are 3-5 companies by name?
- What is the title of the person within the company you sell to?
- Who are the FIVE people by NAME you want to meet?
The above technique may require some research on your part. Doing so will serve you well in your conversation.
IV. The Tornado Technique
Stephen Meade breaks down the “Tornado Technique”, which is the basis for everything with networking. This simple, five minute presentation is an actionable technique that you can implement immediately. To begin, realize most people don’t care about what you do… or don’t understand it.
For a more in-depth look at the 10 Steps, featured is Stephen’s 2-Hour Presentation at the College of the Canyons.
3-Part Video series below. (left to right).
*To download this presentation, please click here
What follows below are different topics or presentations from Stephen Meade. We hope you enjoy the content and gain some valuable insight and information.
Stephen Discusses Customer Development @ Los Angeles Founders Institute, a great organization headed by Adeo Ressi from San Francisco
Can you control your brand, your message, or your image? Stephen presents how “Isolation is a Good Thing” can benefit your company. This session focuses on Branding & Naming for the Founder’s Institute in Los Angeles.
What is leadership? Stephen presents “Vision, Values, and Leadership” to the Los Angeles Founders Institute.
Stephen gives a Mentor speech on Hiring & Firing for The Founder Institute